Nursery Teachers Training Course (Regular / Correspondence)
Pre-Primary Teachers Training Course
Early Childhood Care and Education Course
Rashtrabharathi aims to start high standard Nursery Teachers Training centers, provide job oriented courses, and empower the public about the importance of pre primary education across the villages of Kerala. Rashtrabharathi provide nursery teachers training in association with NIOS, which is a registered society that take the initiatives to carry out various educational programs associated with the state and central government as well as social welfare department.
Course Details
Kerala government does not conduct any direct English/Malayalam medium nursery teachers training courses. The course can be conducted only by the institutes which are registered with the Government. Those who have successfully completed these courses are eligible to work in educational institutions inside and outside Kerala. The graduates who pass this course are eligible to teach in English medium lower primary and upper primary schools. Those who successfully complete the course can register in Employment exchange. They are also eligible to start day cares, play school and kindergarten of their own.
There is no age limit to our courses. SSLC is the minimum eligibility for this course. NTTC is a one year course. Nursery TTC course is of two types. We offer regular and distant education courses. So employed people can join for distant education mode. Regular classes are from Monday to Friday. The time of regular classes is from 10 am to 1 pm and 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm.
We provide study materials as two parts through post after course registration in case of distant education students. There will be two contact classes for 10 days in Rashtrabharathi for distant education candidates. There will be two contact classes in August and September. The August classes are regarding the theory and September classes regarding practical and record works. Contact classes are compulsory. The students must wear uniform.
The exam can be written either in English or Malayalam. The candidates can have their teaching practice .The course certificate and mark list will be send through post after main exam.
Course Registration:
To register the course, send the filled form attached with this along with the two attested copy of SSLC certificate and a course fees of Rs 1800/-either as DD or money order in the name of Rashtrabharathi along with 5 passport size photographs through registered post.(Applications send through courier will be rejected.
Address to send Registration form:
Opp.Star Hospital, Oachira – 690526
Kerala, India
For more details contact:
Ph: 0476-2693137
Mobile: 09526222447, 8289970761, 8289970861
Fee structure
Coaching fees-Rs. 6800/-
Coaching fees can be remitted in three instalments. Course registration fees is Rs 1800/- and it needs to be send along with registration form. An amount of Rs.2400/- needs to be paid as DD or money order in two installments in September and December.
Record fees of Rs.650/- needs to be paid directly in Rashtrabharathi in September and an exam fees of Rs 850/-in September and Certificates fees of Rs 450/- needs to be paid in November 2011.
Hindi T T C
Recognized by Govt. of Kerala
Under Kerala Hindi Prachar Sabha
Hindi Pravesh (Regular / Correspondence)
DURATION : Six Months
ADMISSION : February / August
Hindi Bhooshan (Regular / Correspondence)
ELIGIBILITY : Pass in Pravesh / PDC/+2 Hindi as Second Language
(Course approved by the Kerala PSC for Appointment in Upper Primary Schools (UPSA) & is spread over two semesters of Six months.)
ADMISSION : February / August. (These Course can also be study through correspondence. Examination centers in all over Kerala.)
Sahithyacharya (Regular / Correspondence)
DURATION : 18 Months
ELIGIBILITY : Pass in Hindi Bhooshan / Sahithya Visharad / BA / B.Sc Hindi Main or as Second Language
(Course approved by the Kerala PSC for Appointment in High Schools (Training is also a must) & is spread over three semesters of Six months.)
ADMISSION : February / August. (These Courses can also be studies through correspondence. examination centers in all over Kerala.)
Sahithya Retna (Regular / Correspondence)
The Course is recognized by the Kerala University & is BA (Hons.)
DURATION : 3 Years
ELIGIBILITY : Pass in Sahithyaacharya / Praveen / +2
Address to send Registration form:
Opp.Star Hospital, Oachira
Kollam, Kerala, India – 690526
For more details contact:
Ph: 0476-2693137
Mobile: 09526222447, 09447279661